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Support our work

You can help to give people the tools, knowledge and opportunities they need to break free from poverty.


Thank you for your invaluable support at this challenging time. In a world facing the terrible coronavirus threat, improving hygiene and access to clean water and sanitation services in poor communities has never been more vital.

  • Single donation
  • Monthly Donation

Please select how much you'd like to give, as a monthly or single gift. Your support will enable us to continue and expand our work around the world, helping people to use ingenuity to tackle the world’s toughest problems.


Please select how much you'd like to give, as a monthly or single gift. Your support will enable us to continue and expand our work around the world, helping people to use ingenuity to tackle the world’s toughest problems.

Your donation can help:

  • Struggling smallholder farmers to improve their harvests and incomes<
  • People in urban slums to have safe, clean water and proper waste services
  • Communities without electricity or clean cooking to access these life-changing essentials
  • People threatened by climate change to adapt their lives and cope with disasters

The value of your gift will multiply

At Practical Action we dedicate ourselves to finding new and innovative ways to tackle poverty and disadvantage.

We develop, refine and improve these solutions in our community projects and then, through our publishing and advisory services, share them freely and widely with other development groups, governments and companies.

A group of people publishing in a tent in the desert.


Whether you’re making a personal donation or giving through a foundation, trust or company, your generous support will help people tackle some of the world’s toughest problems.

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An old woman is lovingly holding a child in her arms
Children washing their hands under a water tap

More ways to give

Whatever you give, however you choose to give it. Your donations are helping us connect thousands of communities to the ingenious solutions they need to build a life free from poverty. Thank you.

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We’ll also keep you updated on our supporter events, fundraising activities and the many ways you can get involved in our work.

If you are happy for us to provide information about our work, fundraising activities and ways to get involved by email please provide your details.


We take protecting your personal information seriously. We will never sell or swap your details with another organisation.  We aim to provide you with a great experience of Practical Action and to communicate with every supporter in the best way possible.  To do this, we may analyse your data and obtain further information about interests, preferences and level of potential donations using publicly available sources. We sometimes ask carefully selected companies to do this for us.

You can find out more about how we collect and use your personal information by reading our privacy notice at To change how we manage your personal information or opt out of receiving communications from Practical Action call us on 0800 389 1624 email [email protected]