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Practical Action and Lamor Foundation agree Covid-19 response plan

29.04.2020 CoronavirusPress release

A partnership seeking to address some of the world’s most devastating environmental problems will also help vulnerable communities respond to the threat of coronavirus.

Practical Action and Lamor Foundation have embarked on a project to help reduce and recycle plastic waste from rivers in southern Asia by using cutting edge technology to turn plastic into high grade fuel.

However, the organisations have agreed to use their expertise and strengths to supplement Practical Action’s work to limit the spread of coronavirus in the countries they work in.

They will also continue their long term approach of supporting some of the most vulnerable waste-picking communities in Bangladesh become more resilient to crisis in future.

They will have two key areas of focus:

  • Distribution of protective equipment and handwashing kits through Lamor’s global network and via Practical Action’s community links in the countries in which it operates – with an initial focus on Kenya, Bangladesh and India.
  • Free use of the new Hailer app to help communities organise support for the most vulnerable.

David Nazha, President of the Lamor Foundation, said: “We want to support existing work that Practical Action is doing in areas where there is critical need.

“Where we can we will provide logistical and technical support via our network of national offices and contribute through fundraising.

“Ultimately, we want this partnership to be flexible and valuable to vulnerable people and the planet and this is the perfect time to show our value to the communities where we intend to work in the short term.”

Corporate partnerships manager for Practical Action Ian Derbyshire said: “As with everything in life, it is in times of crisis and great need that you discover who your friends are. Lamor’s willingness to be flexible and proactive in their work with us is greatly appreciated.

“Their support of limiting the spread by addressing the short term need whilst still committing to our long term approach of changing systems in Bangladesh demonstrates a real commitment.

“It is heartening to see other organisations prioritise making poorest and most vulnerable communities more resilient to shocks like coronavirus or climate change.”


Children from Salam School, Kisumu

Children from Salam School, Kisumu


For more information, or to get involved as a donor, contact Ian Derbyshire on 01926 634 400 or email [email protected].

For media enquiries, please contact Andrew Heath on 01926 634 552 or email [email protected].