Home learning
Home learning materials and much more
In response to the schools lockdown during 2020 we pulled together our top learning at home resources to support parents deliver home learning and inspire their children. Each activity links to areas of the formal curriculum in the UK and gives children the opportunity to learn about real world issues.
Although most children have returned to school, these remain useful resources for parents who home school, teachers running STEM/science clubs and delivering transition activities, and anyone who wants to run an activity children can do with minimal supervision and equipment.
Our STEM challenges are our most popular activities as they engage children in developing their own solutions for real life problems. For example our Floating garden challenge invites children to make a model of a garden that floats so that farmers can grow crops on flooded land. All can be used to gain a CREST Award, go to the CREST website to find out more.
STEM Challenges
Beat the flood
Flooding due to climate change can have a devastating effect on people’s lives. Set on the fictitious island of Watu, pupils explore how STEM skills can be used to help communities be better prepared for flooding.
Squashed tomato challenge
This is a STEM Challenge where pupils take on a real life problem affecting people in Nepal, designing and building a model to move tomatoes down a mountain and over a river, so they can be sold at the local market.
Floating garden challenge
Pupils will learn about the difficulty that farmers in Bangladesh experience trying to grow crops on land that is regularly flooded, and are challenged to make a model of a garden that can float to enable farmers to grow their crops on.
Regreen the desert
The challenge inspires pupils to develop ideas to address a real life problem caused by climate change. Their challenge is to capture rain water to irrigate crops for a community living in North Darfur, Sudan.
Stop the spread
Infectious diseases are a global problem and cause millions of deaths each year. This STEM challenge enables pupils to research the problem to design a hand washing devise and education materials for a primary school in Kenya.
Ditch the dirt
Set in Turkana in Kenya where for two out of three people do not have access to clean drinking water, this activity enables pupils to investigate ways of making dirty water cleaner and safe to drink, through sieving and filtering.
Plastics challenge
The increased use of plastics globally creates huge environmental challenges for both industrialised and developing countries. Here we explore the properties of plastics and challenge pupils to find solutions to problems caused by plastic waste.
Wind power challenge
Over 1/3 of the world’s population have no access to electricity. This practical challenge focusing on renewable energy, challenges pupils to design and build a simple wind powered machine that can lift a cup off the floor.