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Agriculture Resources

A farmer-centric approach to the distribution of organic fertiliser in Kenya: Summary

This document is a learning brief, exploring issues associated with the last mile distribution and demand for commerc...

A farmer-centric approach to the distribution of organic fertiliser in Kenya: Learning Brief

This document is a learning brief, exploring issues associated with the last mile distribution and demand for commerc...

Contract farming and Access to Energy for Women Farmers in Malawi - August 2023 Learning Brief

The Renewable Energy for Agriculture (RE4A), a partnership with Modern Farming Technologies (MFT), a Malawian social ...

Agroecology Toolkit

This Agroecology Toolkit is a guide on selected Agroecology Technologies by Agroecology Stakeholders Network (AESTANE...

TREYL Project - Key learning paper

The Transforming Rural Economies and Youth Livelihoods (TREYL) regenerative agriculture program, operating in Kenya f...

A Systems Approach To Dairy Development

There is a lot of talk about ‘systems thinking’ as a strategy to achieve sustainable food systems. The statement ...

Women's empowerment and agriculture in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh

In 2021, Practical Action and UNDP assessed the contribution to women’s empowerment made by a project supporting In...

10 pasos para un cacao de calidad

El presente manual reúne un conjunto de prácticas y recomendaciones técnicas que busca brindar asistencia y apoyo ...

Agroecology, Small farmers and Livelihoods: A Critical Analysis for Sustainable Development

Productive and sustainable agrarian systems are key to the livelihoods of small farmers and the economies of developing ...

Community based conflict reduction and peace building in Kebkabiya, North Darfur

This project aimed to increase the adaptive capacity of both agriculturalist and pastoralist communities in Kebakabiya, ...

Transforming smallholder-private sector relationships to take agro-ecological community based adaptation to scale: agro coffee systems in Peru

A poster produced for the CBA9 conference which illustrates our community based climate change and adaptation work in Pe...

Safe Grain Storage in Flood Prone Area

This technical brief describes methods and techniques that can be used to improve existing grain storage structures as w...

Fertile Ground

A short documentary on soil conditions and options for scaling up access to organic fertilisers for improved productivit...

Supporting Smallholder Farmers in Africa: A Framework for an Enabling Environment

Smallholder farmers form the backbone of economic activity in most African countries. They have the potential to play a ...

Market based approach to scale up Organic Fertiliser in Nepal

There is enormous need for improving soil fertility, inorder to boost the agricultural productivity in Nepal. Therefore,...

Renewable Energy Enables Climate Change Adaptation for Smallholders

This policy brief supports Practical Action's 'Planting for Progress' campaign, which focusses on our work with smallhol...

Policy Position Paper Agriculture

This paper describes our influencing work on Agriculture. It explains why we are working on this issue, outlines our aim...

Transforming Smallholder-Private Sector Relationships to Take Agroecological Community-Based Adaptation to Scale

A poster focusing on the role of the private sector in enhancing climate change adaptation for agroforestry coffee syste...

Summary report of the high-level workshop on scaling up agroecology to achieve the SDGs

The aim of this workshop was to explore the potential of agroecology to achieve growth, resilience,poverty reduction and...