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Resilience that protects

Knowledge & Expertise

Gender Transformative Early Warning Systems

Early warning systems build community resilience to disasters, with the potential to save lives and livelihoods. Women a...

Missing Voices: Experiences of Marginalized Gender Groups in Disaster in Nepal and Peru

This report documents first person experiences of flood, disaster risk and early warning of vulnerable and marginalis...

Practical Action and Early Warning Systems

Early warning provides an opportunity for people to take action to save lives and livelihoods, reducing the impacts o...

Assessing and addressing-climate induced loss and damage in Bangladesh

This working paper is based on a study carried out to improve understanding of, and identify actions to address, clim...

Gender Transformative Early Warning Systems Policy Brief

Early warning systems (EWS) build community resilience to disasters, with the potential to save lives and livelihoods...

Gender Transformative Early Warning Systems: Nepal

Early warning systems (EWS) that do not explicitly consider gender are likely to increasethe marginalization or vulne...

Gender Transformative Early Warning Systems: Peru

Early warning systems that do not explicitly consider gender are likely to increase themarginalization or vulnerabili...
