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You can help farmers in Nepal already facing the impact of climate change. With your support they can adapt and succeed.

Farming in the Himalayas is tough. Climate change makes it even harder.

Many people in Nepal, like Pooja, rely on farming for food and income. But cycles of floods and droughts are destroying their crops.

What would it take for Pooja to succeed?

An ingenious combination of small things that would make a big difference. A proven approach perfected in partnership with other farming communities in Nepal.

Better seeds would make her crops more resilient to new weather patterns. Solar-power could water her fields during dry periods. Training in new farming techniques would mean bigger harvests – enough to feed her family, with extra to sell. Vegetable cable cars could move her produce to market in minutes, not hours. New business skills would bring opportunities to earn more. And with a bigger say in community decision making, women like Pooja could shine.

You can help farmers like Pooja turn the tables on climate change.

Donate today

“We are facing problems due to climate change – it doesn’t rain on time and when it rains, it pours.
It didn’t happen like this in the past. It’s raining continuously so we are facing problem to cultivate crops. We don’t have any inkling about how to do farming in these conditions.”

Pooja, a farmer from Dang, Nepal

The facts: farming & climate change in Nepal


of the population rely on farming

Rainfall has decreased by an average of



of farmers depend on monsoon rains for irrigation

Since 1960, temperatures have increased each decade by


By 2050, the temperature is projected to rise

1.6°C – 2.2°C

And extreme rainfall events increase by

35% – 52%

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