Bolivia is home to diverse cultures and landscapes, from the Andes mountains to the Amazonian forests. Within this rich diversity lies significant challenges, including high vulnerability to climate change and enduring inequalities. Addressing these requires leveraging local knowledge, empowering gender equality and developing strategies that bring together all involved.
Practical Action in Bolivia works closely with communities and the public and private sectors promoting renewable energies and climate-resilient farming.
Taking local leadership and indigenous knowledge to scale for a thriving future
people reached in 2023
farmers embracing regenerative practices to enhance food security, income, and climate resilience
productivity boost through renewable energies for 4.3k farmers in 2023
people will become more resilient to climate impacts through our projects by 2025
A diverse country by definition
Aside from its vast diversity of ecosystems and habitats, Bolivia is home to a diverse population, including numerous indigenous groups, each with distinct cultures, languages, and traditions. Acknowledging this in its constitution as a “plurinational” country, Bolivia has a deep commitment to equality and representation for all its citizens.
However, the effects of climate change and the pandemic have revealed gaps and unaddressed needs. Fragility and difficult access to health, education and food were worsened, a situation often hitting the vulnerable the hardest. As the effects of these crises become more complex, the existing responses are becoming insufficient.
Since 2010, Practical Action in Bolivia supports communities and the government in promoting regenerative agriculture, climate resilience, and renewable energies. It does so by focusing on communities’ voices, needs and capacities and fostering partnerships that strengthen local development in line with Bolivia’s Social Economic Development Plan, the Nationally Determined Contributions and the Sustainable Development Goals.
We encourage dialogue and combine different sources of knowledge and approaches to improve living conditions and access to rights and services. Moreover, we help build stronger community connections by collaborating with organisations and promoting the involvement of young people, women, and those facing vulnerability.
Our Funding Partners
- BOS plus
- Christadelphian Meal-a-Day Fund of the Americas
- Darwin Initiative
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Intenationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
- EKOenergy
- Flemish Fund for Tropical Forests
- Government of Canada
- Latin American Children’s Trust
- Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
- Z Zurich Foundation
Bolivia Office
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2922, Presbítero Medina st., Sopocachi, La Paz, Bolivia
+595 (2) 2119345