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Cities fit for people

Knowledge & Expertise

Improving Water Access, Sanitation and Hygiene in Informal Settlements in Kisumu City

This brief summarises the impact of two key projects on urban water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in informal settle...

Strengthening Gender Responsive Urban Sanitation: Public and Community Toilets in Bangladesh

In 2021 Practical Action conducted in-depth qualitative research to understand the experiences and priorities of wome...

Managing Our Waste 2021: View from the Global South

Dealing with the waste we all generate is a growing global challenge. Waste management problems are conventionally de...

Routes to scale safe sanitation

This infographic portrays the current status of sanitation in informal communities where Practical Action works. The ...

Emptier to Entrepreneur - Ensuring dignity in the lives of waste and sanitation workers in Bangladesh

Practical Action is working with informal sanitation and waste workers in Bangladesh to improve their dignity, workin...


Cities fit for people

As the population of urban slums and settlements in developing countries grow in numbers, our experience working with communities to make cities cleaner, healthier, fairer places for people to live and work is more important than ever.

A transformative approach to faecal sludge management in Bangladesh

A lack of faecal sludge treatment options in Faridpur, Bangladesh meant that as little as 10% was safely managed in 2014. Practical Action has supported the development of co-operatives and a treatment plant, creating smart service providers, reducing open defecation and improving lives.