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Your support makes a world of difference

By Practical Action On 17.10.2019 FundraisingBlog

Children in isolated villages in Malawi are now drinking fresh water, instead of the dirty water which used to make them ill.

Healthy trees are growing on Peruvian land that had been left barren because of damaging farming techniques.

For the first time, pit emptiers in the slums of Bangladesh are doing their jobs with dignity and without risk of injury and long-term health problems.

What made these amazing transformations possible?

The generous support of individuals, community groups, trusts, foundations and businesses.

“This powerful community of support is one of the reasons I love working at Practical Action. Your support means we can bring simple, practical, ingenious solutions to thousands of communities – working alongside them as they make positive changes that will last for generations. Thank you.”
Paul Smith Lomas, Chief Executive

We’re excited to be able to introduce you to some of the people whose lives have been changed because of the ongoing generosity of our supporters. They share their extraordinary stories with you in this special report.

By working together we can make the world work better for everyone. Thank you for being with us on that journey.