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A Safer Way to Work: Chhobi’s Story

By Practical Action On 31.10.2024 CitiesBlog

Chhobi Begum - A woman wearing a mask and traditional clothing carries a basket with goods on a deserted street lined with closed shops.

October 31 marks World Cities Day, a day to reflect on the challenges and opportunities facing urban areas, where more than half of the world’s population now lives. Cities, particularly in low-income regions, struggle with issues like pollution, inadequate infrastructure, and social inequality. To address these challenges, we work alongside people to improve access to essential services like clean water, waste management, and sanitation in some of the poorest urban areas.

In Faridpur, Bangladesh, waste workers like Chhobi are shaping the future of their city. Our approach, rooted in partnership with local communities and authorities, focuses on co-developing sustainable solutions that address urban waste and sanitation issues. We spoke to Chhobi about her experiences and her hopes for the future.

“I’m out on the streets before sunrise every day, cleaning and collecting litter,” Chhobi told us. “Before, I worked without any protection, and the dirt made me sick. Then Practical Action made sure I have gloves, a mask, and the right tools to work safely. I also went to a nearby town to learn safer and better ways to manage waste. Now my health is better and I’m earning more.”

This transformation is part of a wider effort in cities like Faridpur to tackle waste management and sanitation challenges in ways that benefit the community and environment. We work with local authorities to recognise waste workers like Chhobi and improve systems for collecting, recycling, and safely disposing of waste. Chhobi’s role as a waste worker was formally recognised after we collaborated with the local government to ensure waste workers’ jobs were legally acknowledged. “This means I now have rights and protections as a worker,” Chhobi explains.

Access to decision-makers has also improved through this collaboration. “Before, it was difficult to speak to local officials about our needs. But with Practical Action’s support, we can now meet with them and discuss our work. This has made a big difference. Now I feel like a valuable member of society and I’m not ashamed of my job.”

Waste workers like Chhobi are at the heart of the solution to urban waste challenges. They play a critical role in the circular economy by ensuring that waste is properly managed, sorted, and recycled, which reduces pollution and health risks in their communities. These efforts contribute to Practical Action’s broader goal of creating urban systems that are more resilient, inclusive, and environmentally sustainable.

Chhobi’s story reflects the collective efforts underway in Faridpur to make the city cleaner and safer for everyone. “I’m proud of the work I do, and I hope for a better life for my family. The support and training from Practical Action have given me confidence. Together, we are making our town cleaner and safer.”

World Cities Day reminds us of the importance of tackling urban challenges collectively, building safer, more resilient cities where everyone can thrive. By working in partnership with local communities, we’re helping to create cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable urban environments.

Learn more about our work in cities