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Trans-border Flood Early Warning System in South Asia: Practices, Challenges and Prospects


South Asia is a disaster hotspot zone with annual episodes of several hazards causing huge loss of lives and properties across the region. Among hazards, flood ranks the highest in terms of human casualties, loss and damage of property, and the number of households affected each year. Despite being an annual phenomenon and common problem for the countries of South Asia, EWS interventions for floods have hardly gone beyond the country’s borders. This study tries to document the current practices of trans-border EWS across South Asia, primarily between Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) China–Nepal, Nepal–India, and India–Bangladesh, together with the challenges and opportunities for promoting trans-border EWS, in context of larger disaster risk reduction initiatives across the region.

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Collections Disaster Risk Reduction Influence and Impact
Issue date 2018-11
Rights holders Practical Action