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Stakeholder Analysis: Options Analysis For A Regional Climate Change Programme To Deliver More Effective Climate Services, Early Warning And Disaster Risk Reduction


Building on the findings of the Evidence Review, this report begins by providing a detailed mapping of users and their requirements for climate information and services across priority sectors (section 2.1), a description of priorities cited by stakeholders and potential intervention options to meet these (section 2.2), as well as a country gap analysis (section 2.3) and an assessment of those regional actors DFID would be well-placed to partner with (section 3). This information has been used to refine the intervention options and to work up the overall outline and details of a regional climate services programme in South Asia; consisting of key objectives, outputs, outcomes, indicators and how these could link up to other initiatives in the region (section 4).

Further information

Collections Disaster Risk Reduction Influence and Impact
Issue date 2015-08
Format Report
Rights holders Evidence on Demand