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When it comes to living with climate change, hope can’t wait.

Hope needs action. Practical Action.

A plant logo on a white background.How else can I help?

If you want to act for those impacted by the environmental and climate crises, and support Practical Action, but can’t donate online today, there are many other ways you can help get involved with our work with communities around the world.

An organisation you can trust

We’re committed to the highest standards in fundraising, transparency and reporting.

For every £1 we receive in donations, just 8 pence is spent on fundraising. The remaining 92% is spent on charitable activities around the world.

(2023/24 audited accounts, produced to Charity Commission norms).


Pie chart titled "2023-24" with blue segments: Charitable activities at £28.0m (92%) and Fundraising at £2.5m (8%).

We are trusted by the UK and overseas governments who fund some of our projects, along with major foundations, corporations and UN bodies.

Practical Action is registered with the Fundraising Regulator and the Fundraising Preference Service


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