Donate online
With every donation, you’ll help turn bold, unconventional ideas into real-world, poverty-beating action. Please give whatever you can. Thank you.
When it comes to climate change, hope needs action. It needs like-minded people like you to join forces with people worldwide to make it happen.
Other ways to give
By post
You can download and print a donation form;
Direct Debit Form
Postal Donation Form
Or send a cheque made out to ‘Practical Action’
Practical Action
The Robbins Building
25 Albert Street
By bank transfer
You can give directly through your bank account using these details:
Sort code: 20-73-63
Account no: 70512761
Account name: Practical Action
Bank: Barclays Bank, Rugby
Please give your surname and postcode as a reference, or your Practical Action Supporter number.
Through the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF)
To make a donation using your CAF card, log into the CAF website, or call freephone: 0800 389 1624.
An organisation you can trust
We’re committed to the highest standards in fundraising, transparency and reporting.
For every £1 we receive in donations, just 8 pence is spent on fundraising. The remaining 92% is spent on charitable activities around the world.
(2023/24 audited accounts, produced to Charity Commission norms).
We are trusted by the UK and overseas governments who fund some of our projects, along with major foundations, corporations and UN bodies.
Practical Action is registered with the Fundraising Regulator and the Fundraising Preference Service
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