Making Water Work
Active Project
The Challenge
In Eastern Sudan, access to clean water has always been a challenge for the agro-pastoral communities living there. With little rainfall and few water sources farmers are forced to choose between caring for livestock and keeping their family clean and healthy.
- Water supply shortage throughout the year, as the only source of water is rainfalls which are decreasing due to the climate change
- Many of the existing water points are badly managed and in need of repair.
- The use of the available water is prioritised for drinking, cooking and livestock, so hygiene suffers with no water left for washing or cleaning.
“The community health promoters used to give us strong hygiene advice, but without water we could not do what we were advised to do.
Nafish o’shak, Darastra village, Kassala, Sudan
The Ingenious Solution
Working with our partners in the Aqua4East initiative, and the communities who use this land, we’ve increased access to safe water points and improved groundwater collection across the region. Establishing an effective Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) system to protect the supply for the future.
- Introduces water harvesting system to recharge Aquifer using the (3R) approach, Retention, Restore, Reuse, to increase the availability of water across season of the year.
- We’ve established Water Resources Management Committees (WRMCs) and trained local residents to oversee the construction, renovation and ongoing maintenance of water collection and delivery systems in the area.
- Participants are able to collect data and conduct their own feasibility studies for water resource management.
- Existing drinking water facilities have been repaired and new ones built, with training given to locals in how to operate and maintain them. A local spare parts supply chain has also been set up, increasing local income.
- Adopt Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) approach instead of the traditional sanitation built on subsidiaries to ensure sustainability.
- We’ve worked with local schools and health centres to promote good sanitation and hygiene practices, keeping communities healthy.
“Now we feel comfortable we have the latrine inside the house and able to escape people looking at us when we go in the open, we keep our hands clean after visiting the latrine by using soap or ash.”
Amna Omer, 20 yrs, Haladete village, Kassala, Sudan
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