The devastating earthquake that struck Nepal in 2015 left hundreds of thousands homeless. Three years after mass reconstruction efforts took place, there were still a number of vulnerable households (the elderly, children and disabled) who were struggling to rebuild their homes.
Practical Action implemented a DFID funded project ensuring that these vulnerable groups have resilient houses to live in – as per the standards laid down by the government. In order to construct these houses, the project has established construction enterprises (using locally available materials) whilst also providing employment opportunities for women and young people. In the latest review it was awarded an A+ for exceeding expectations both in terms of rebuilding infrastructure, but also influencing the national Government at the highest levels on how to minimize the impact of future disasters and advising them on how to replicate the work in other locations in Nepal.
Achyut Luitel, Director of Practical Action Nepal said: “We are honoured to receive such fantastic feedback on this innovative project and we’re hopeful that by working with the Nepali Government this work will be scaled up across the country, having an even bigger impact. People were left desperate and homeless after the earthquake hit, but with some clever thinking and working in partnership with local communities, people have been able to rebuild their homes and their lives. Not only can they get back to earning a living and providing for their families, but the new houses will be much more resilient to future climate-related disasters.”