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Practical Action launches new phase of Renewable Energy for Refugees project

By Practical Action On 29.11.2022 ElectricityEnergyNews

Practical Action launched a new phase of the Renewable Energy for Refugees project with an exciting event at Rwanda’s largest refugee camp.

Members of the refugee community joined with the Swedish Ambassador, Johanna Teague, The Rwandan Minister for emergency management Ms.  Solange Kayisire and UNHCR staff.

Along with Practical Action’s team, they enjoyed a tour of the camp business centre, heard from people who had worked with Practical Action in the first phase and listened to speeches from all stakeholders.

All joined at Mahama Camp to celebrate the beginning of great change for 100,000 refugees set to benefit from access to renewable energy in this new phase.

Practical Action will manage the project with funding provided by the Sida-Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, working in close collaboration with Rwanda’s Ministry of Emergency Management, the United Nations High Commission for Refugees-UNHCR, the camp-and host community representatives and local authorities.

Practical Action launches new phase of Renewable Energy for Refugees project with a group of people in white shirts talking to each other.

I am touched because it’s really about children being able to play outside of the dark, communities that jointly extend time or social interaction, for girls and boys, women, and men to feel safe. Secondly, business and livelihood opportunities are at the program’s core; 300 small businesses will receive training and support to afford access to electricity.
Practical Action has already shown us in the first phase what is possible to achieve and what is possible to deliver. But Practical Action as all of us is dependent on us working together.

Ambassador Teague, Swedish Ambassador in Rwanda

After helping to bring energy access to 83,000 people in Nyabiheke, Kigeme and Gihembe refugee camps, the work will continue and expand into three more – Mahama, Mugombwa and Kiziba.

Find out more about the new project and what was achieved in the first phase here.

The event was covered extensively by the Rwandan media here and here:

This project will support the Government to achieve our commitments to the Global Refugee Compact, specifically the pledge on Energy and Infrastructure, and contribute to achieving Sustainable Development Goal 7, which aims at ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

Minister Kayisire, Rwandan Minister for emergency management

Practical Action launches new phase of Renewable Energy project.

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