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Poster: Toward a reporting framework on technology’s contribution to social justice


Technology plays a key role in making flood early warning systems (EWS) effective; providing understandable, timely and actionable information to those most at risk. We developed a framework using social justice principles to analyse the access, use and innovation of technology for EWS. We extract information on these dimensions from the Key Global Agreements for a transboundary EWS case study in Bangladesh, India and Nepal. Although the information is not harmonized, based on self-reporting and at a multi-hazard and countrywide level, we can conclude, supplementing with ground-truth data, that access to EWS services as well as EWS technology required is not distributed fairly and that innovation is often not inclusive. We recommend current reporting mechanisms include subnational and disaggregated reporting on the framework as a first step towards widening the technology spectrum available to the stakeholders using and operating EWSs.

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Collections Disaster Risk Reduction Influence and Impact
Issue Date 2018-06
Format Infographic
Rights Holders Practical Action