Right now, the world’s poorest people are bearing the brunt of climate catastrophes.
Lives and livelihoods are being lost. Decades of progress against poverty are under threat. The people on the frontline can’t wait for someone else to take action.
Lives and livelihoods are being lost. Decades of progress against poverty are under threat. The people on the frontline can’t wait for someone else to take action.
“When cyclone Amphan hit, we lost not only our belongings, but also our crops.
When they don’t grow well, we suffer.”Purnima, Bangladesh
Purnima lives off the land in Bangladesh. Flooding in her region has increased in severity and frequency, especially when cyclones hit. Her farmland is repeatedly submerged underwater, destroying any hopes of an income.
“our cows, goats and poultry – everything – had been washed away. There was no food, no income.”
While cyclone shelters enabled Purnima to keep her children safe, she could not safeguard her livestock and crops during floods. The saline water ruined the vegetable harvests that she and her family depend on – both to eat and to sell.
But Purnima is taking action. Because, like us, she believes that where there’s action, there’s hope.
“(Practical Action) provided us with training, different equipment and support for starting vegetable farming again. We made the dykes wider and grew more vegetables. They taught us how to use fertiliser and take care of the plants.”
Families are dealing with catastrophic flooding, toxic waste and devastating droughts – on top of poverty. But they are already taking action. With the support of people like you, pioneers such as Lourine (pictured) are leading the way.
Using innovative, practical solutions, communities on the frontlines of climate change and poverty are creating long-lasting, positive changes:
turning surviving into thriving.
With every donation, you will help turn bold, unconventional ideas into real world, poverty beating action – speeding and scaling up solutions urgently needed for people to build hope in the face of the climate crisis.
Because hope needs action, Practical Action.
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For every £1 we receive in donations, just 8 pence is spent on fundraising. The remaining 92% is spent on charitable activities around the world.
(2023/24 audited accounts, produced to Charity Commission norms).
We are trusted by the UK and overseas governments who fund some of our projects, along with major foundations, corporations and UN bodies.
Practical Action is registered with the Fundraising Regulator and the Fundraising Preference Service
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