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Give the gift of ingenuity

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The Changemaker e-gift challenges the status quo with unconventional thinking, changes systems and turns ingenious ideas into practical actions.

Your gift can help:
Struggling smallholder farmers to improve their harvests and incomes
People in urban slums to have safe, clean water and proper waste services
Communities without electricity or clean cooking to access these life-changing essentials
People threatened by climate change to adapt their lives and cope with disasters

The Changemaker will support our work all around the world, helping more people find solutions to their toughest problems. Looking for another gift? Take a look at the full Wish List.



After purchasing this gift you will receive an email with a link to a downloadable gift certificate, which can be shared with your loved one. The certificate tells them all about the work you have supported in their name and how we’ll use the donation from your e-gift to help ordinary people living in extraordinary circumstances change their lives.